
You want to go to the COCOLAB? 

The best way to get to know COCOLAB. is to send us an email and just drop by. With the support of our team, all easy-to-use tools and machines are available to visitors. Otherwise, we also offer other events from time to time. Take a look at our calendar.



Screen printing meeting

Tue. , 16.07.2024, 5 – 7 p.m. in COCOLAB.

In order to strengthen the local maker community, we would like to set up local get-togethers. We’ll start with our screen printing get-together.

Talk together about this old but still fascinating printing technique for paper, wood or textiles, develop ideas, drink wine, find new friends and project partners and maybe have dinner together at Coconat afterwards (separate registration required). Creativity is fun and you are the experts!

Fläming creative party

Mon. 15 July to Sun. 21 July in Klein Glien

As every year, our creative, knowledge and maker festival will take place here again in 2024 with a diverse workshop program. There are also numerous hands-on and information offers in COCOLAB. For the latest information, it’s best to always check the Kreativsausen page .


Hurry up, some courses fill up quickly!

8 – 11 August 2024 with our long-time friend Sandra Passaro (Hungry Cities in cooperation with Soned eV)

We are proud that this great course is taking place here… apply quickly for the 10 scholarship places!!

VHS course – Easter decorations from the laser cutter

Sat. , March 23, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. in COCOLAB.

In this course we design and cut Easter decorations from wood and acrylic with our laser cutter.

After a short introduction to the technology, we design our cutting shapes together on the computer using the free vector program Inkscape.
It is also possible to download graphics from the Internet or to digitize drawings you have drawn yourself. At the end, we send our works to the laser, which can cut and engrave wood or acrylic panels. Whether it is an egg, rabbit or chick made of wood, acrylic, or a combination, flat or to be put together, everything is possible.

If you already have an idea of ​​what you want to achieve with the laser cutter, please bring sketches, prototypes and 3D files if available.

Of course, you can then take the finished product home with you.

Biomeiler Building Workshop

15-17.03.24 at Coconat & COCOLAB.

A biomeiler for COCOLAB.
In an open workshop led by Native Power’s experienced team, we plan to build a biomeiler to heat COCOLAB.s historic fieldstone barn on March 15-17, 2023. The heat generated from composting will be used to make the old fieldstone barn usable year-round via a simple radiant floor heating system. Together with the local Institute for Food and Environmental Research and Smart Village e.V., sensors and information boards will make the processes inside and the climate benefits visible and explain them to create a monument to sustainable, local energy production in rural areas. The project is made possible by funding from the Sustainable Development Action – Local Agenda 21.


How do memberships work?

Do you want more? Unleash your creativity and become a Cocomaker. With the COCOLAB. Membership you receive regular access to the workspace and the machines. You also become a part of the COCOLAB. community. We focus on open exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge and tools to achieve more together.

Startups benefit from the ready working environment and have the possibility of project and storage space in the workshop. In the immediate vicinity of the coworking space and hotel Coconat, users also have the opportunity to stay overnight.